Searching for options

The Properties tab contains all information on the items in your form and displays the properties for a selected item. The Find allows you to quickly find the option setting applied to a selected item.

An image of the Properties view displaying Find function.

To search for a option:

  1. Select the item on the form by using one of the following methods:
    • click the item on the canvas
    • click the item in the Outline view
  2. In the Properties view, click An image of the down arrow icon used in to display a popup list. and click Show Advanced Options.
  3. In the Properties view, click in the Find field.
  4. Type the term you are searching for. The following search options are available:
    • type an option name, for example, color.
    • type an value of an item, for example, black.
    • type a portion of the term and use the asterisk as a wildcard in place of characters you are uncertain about. For example, bl*k.
    • type a portion of a tooltip, for example, printed.

    A list of search results is displayed alphabetically with the search term displayed in bold. If a value is applied to an option, it is displayed in brackets.

  5. Click the search result you want to find in the Properties view.

    The value field of that particular option is displayed and highlighted.