Settings for the menu option

Note: You can have more than one menu settings listed in the ufv_settings:
Table 1. ufv_settings_Menu_settings parameters
Parameter Type Description
keyword   describes an icon used in the menu and what it does.
value on the icon is available as normal.
  off the icon is visible but is grayed out and cannot be used.
  hidden the icon is not visible. the toolbar will collapse appropriately to eliminate the gaps in the icons.
Table 2. a list and description of each icon, and the keyword to use with the menu setting
Icon Description Keyword
Entire Toolbar Displays all of the icons. visible
Open Opens a new form. open
Save Form Saves the form to the current file. save
Save As Saves the form, prompting the user for a file name and location. save
Print Prints the current form. print
Mail E-mails the current form. mail
Preferences Opens the Preferences Dialog Box. preferences
Font Opens the Font Dialog Box which allows the user to change font characteristics in rich text fields. fontdialog
Paragraph Opens the Paragraph Dialog Box which allows the user to change indenting and alignment in rich text fields. paragraphdialog
Check Spelling Checks the spelling in the current item. spellcheck
Check All Spelling Checks the spelling for the entire page. spellcheckall
Zoom Out Decreases the magnification of the form. zoom
Select Zoom Factor Sets the magnification to a specific factor. zoom
Zoom In Increases the magnification of the form. zoom
Help Activates the form's help messages. help
Viewer Help Opens the Viewer Help. viewerhelp
About Opens the About box for the Viewer or Webform Server. about
Refresh Form Refreshes the form, which updates all the computes. This feature is only available when viewing forms in Webform Server. refresh
Toggle Accessibility Mode Turns the accessibility mode on and off. This feature is only available when viewing forms in Webform Server. accessibility
Wizard Turns the document accessibility wizard on and off. This feature is only available when viewing forms in Webform Server. wizard