
The ufv_settings option modifies a variety of form features such as colors, mandatory fields and buttons that appear in the Viewer's toolbar.

Page ufv_settings override the global settings for a particular page. Global settings check page ufv_settings before determining if the default value is used. For example, if you set the validoverlap globally, then set the errorcolor for page one, page one will not inherit the validoverlap setting.


Table 1. ufv_setting parameters
Parameter Type Description
DefaultSettings   See Settings for the Defaults options
ErrorColor RGB, hex or valid color name Displays the specified background color when the user enters incorrect information. For example, alphabetical text entered into an integer field.

Default: watermelon (255, 128, 128)

Cursor arrow When Viewer is in help mode, the help cursor appears as the “normal select” cursor, which is a plain arrow.
  question When Viewer is in help mode, the help cursor appears as the “help select” cursor, which is an arrow for a question mark.

Default: question

FocusBackgroundColor RGB, hex or valid color name Controls the text area background color of a popup menu when the popup has focus.

Default: blue (#0000FF)

FocusForegroundColor RGB, hex or valid color name Controls the foreground color of the text area of the popup menu when it has focus.

Default: white (#FFFFFF)

MandatoryColor RGB, hex or valid color name Sets the background color of a mandatory input item.

Default: light yellow (255, 255, 208)

MenuSettings   See Settings for the menu option.
ModifiableSettings on Allows users to read and write information on a form.

Default: on

  off Allows users to only read information on a form.
PageDoneWithFormatErrors permit Allows the user to proceed to another page, even if there are validation errors.
  warn If type checking errors exists, alerts the user and asks if they want to change the page anyway.

Default: warn

  deny Stops the user from changing the page until the errors are corrected.
PrintWithFormatErrors permit Allows form designers to create forms that can be printed, even if there are type checking errors in the form.
  warn Warns the user if type checking errors exist and asks the user if they want to continue printing the form.

Default: warn

  deny Warns the user and aborts the print if type checking errors exists. For example, you can create a form that the user cannot print unless they have completed all the mandatory fields.
SaveWithFormatErrors permit Allows users to save the form even if there are type checking errors.
  warn Warns the user of type checking errors and asks if the user if they want to continue saving the form.

Default: warn

  deny Alerts the user to type checking errors and aborts the save. For example, you can create a form that the user cannot save unless they have completed all the mandatory fields.
ScrollFieldsOnZoom on In Viewer, adds scroll bars to fixed height fields when necessary.

Default: on

  off Never adds scroll bars to fixed height fields.
SignWithFormatErrors permit Allows the user to sign the form even if it has type-checking errors. For example, you can create a form that users can sign even if they have not completed all the mandatory fields.

Default: warn

  warn Warns users of type-checking errors and asks if they want to continue signing the form.
  deny Alerts the user to type-checking errors and cancels the signature.
SubmitWithFormatErrors permit Allows users to submit the form even if it has type-checking errors. For example, you can create a form that users can submit even if they have not completed all the mandatory fields.
  warn Warns users of type-checking errors and asks if they want to continue submitting the form.
  deny Alerts the user to type checking errors and cancels the submission. For example, you can create a form that cannot be submitted unless all the mandatory fields are complete.

Default: deny

ValidOverlap numeric value Adjusts the tolerance in pixels of the overlap test that the Viewer performs when signing items. The overlap test detects overlaps between signed items and unsigned items.

Default: 2

Available in

page globals, form global.