Settings for the defaults option

Settings that manage several graphical interface defaults of XFDL forms viewing applications.

  <borderstyle>3D | solid | rounded</borderstyle>
  <autohighlight>on | off</autohighlight>
    <focusglow>off | on | transparent | ColorSpec</focusglow>
    <hoverglow>off | on | transparent | ColorSpec</hoverglow>
    <disabledlook>on | off</disabledlook>
    <gradienttype>none | linear | split | center</gradienttype>
Table 1. Settings for the defaults option
Option Value Description
borderstyle 3D Draws a rectangle around the item to give a sunken appearance.
  solid Draws a solid rectangle around the item.
  rounded Draws a solid rectangle with rounded corners around the item.
autohighlight on When on, the contents of single line fields and comboboxes are highlighted when they gain the focus.
  off When off, the contents of single line fields and comboboxes are not highlighted when they gain the focus.
themecolor ColorSpec The color that is used for the default values of the <bgcolor> option of buttons, the <fontcolor> of lines, and the <color> of the borderinfo option of all items except button items and line items. The color must be a RGB value, hexadecimal color value, or valid XFDL color name.
focusglow on When on, button items are displayed with a glow effect when they have focus.
  off When off, button items are not displayed with a glow effect when they have focus.
  transparent Sets the focusglow to off.
  ColorSpec Sets the focusglow to on and overrides the default color used for the glow effect. The color must be a RGB value, hexadecimal color value, or valid XFDL color name.
hoverglow on When on, button items are displayed with a glow effect when the mouse cursor hovers over the item.
  off When off, button items are not displayed with a glow effect when the mouse cursor hovers over the item.
  transparent Sets the hoverglow to off.
  ColorSpec Sets the hoverglow to on and overrides the default color used for the glow effect. The color must be a RGB value, hexadecimal color value, or valid XFDL color name.
disabledlook on When on, button items change appearance when they are disabled.
  off When off, button items do not change appearance when they are disabled.
gradienttype none Turns off gradients for all button items that do not have their own <gradient> option.
  linear A vertical gradient that starts at the top with the gradient color and ends with the background color.
  split A combination of two vertical linear gradients. The top half starts with the gradient color and the bottom half starts with the background color.
  center A combination of two vertical linear gradients. The top starts with the background color and progresses downward to end with the gradient color in the middle. The bottom starts with the background color and progresses upward to end with the gradient color in the middle.

Usage details

  1. When determining default settings, the XFDL forms viewing application first checks the settings at the page level, then the settings at the form global level.
  2. Settings at the item level override settings at the page level and at the global level.
  3. Settings at the page level override settings at the global level.
  4. If a setting is absent from both the form and page global levels, then an XFDL default is used.
  5. borderstyle
    1. The value of borderstyle is ignored if it is not valid or not recognized. If this setting is absent or ignored at both the form and page levels, then the default is solid.
    2. The rounded style is not supported in Internet Explorer.
  6. autohighlight
    1. The default value is on. If autohighlight is not present or if the value is not valid, it is set to the default value.
  7. themecolor
    1. The themecolor does not apply to disabled buttons if the disabledlook option is set to on.
    2. The themecolor does not apply to the borders of items with a 3D border style.
  8. focusglow
    1. The default value is on. If focusglow is not present or if the value is not valid, it is set to the default value.
  9. hoverglow
    1. The default value is on. If hoverglow is not present or if the value is not valid, it is set to the default value.
  10. disabledlook
    1. The default value is on. If disabledlook is not present or if the value is not valid, it is set to the default value.
  11. gradienttype
    1. The default value is center. If gradienttype is not present or if the value is not valid, it is set to the default value.