Alignment types

The different relative alignment types are defined.

You can align items by using the following alignment types.
Below Previous Item
Moves the selected item after the previous item in the build order. The Designer determines which item is the previous item when you select this option. During runtime, the alignment is always between these specific items, even if their order within the build order changes. Use this option when the order of aligned items within the build order will not change during runtime.
After Previous Item
Moves the selected item before the previous item in the build order. The Designer determines which item is the previous item when you select this option. During runtime, the alignment is always between these specific items, even if their order within the build order changes. Use this option when the order of aligned items within the build order will not change during runtime.
Moves the items to the after of the reference item (leaving three pixels between each item) and aligns their edges.
Moves the items the reference item (leaving three pixels between each item) so their top edges align with the bottom edge of the reference item.
Moves the items so their left edges align with the left edge of the reference item.
Moves the items horizontally so their centers align with the center of the reference item.
Moves the items so their edges align with the edge of the reference item.
Moves the items so their top edges align with the top edge of the reference item.
Moves the items vertically so their centers align with the center of the reference item.
Moves the items so their edges align with the bottom edge of the reference item.
Moves the items to the left of the reference item (leaving three pixels between each item) and aligns their top edges.
Moves the items above the reference item (leaving three pixels between each item) and aligns their left edges.
Left to Right
Moves the items so their left edges align with the edge of the reference item.
Left to Center
Moves the items so their left edges align with the center of the reference item.
Center to Left
Moves the items so their centers align with the left edge of the reference item.
Center to Right
Moves the items so their centers align with the edge of the reference item.
Right to Center
Moves the items so their edges align with the center of the reference item.
Right to Left
Moves the items so their edges align with the left edge of the reference item.
Horizontally Between
Moves the reference item horizontally so it is spaced equally between two other items on the form.
Top to Bottom
Moves the items so their top edges align with the bottom edge of the reference item.
Top to Middle
Moves the items so their top edges align with the center of the reference item.
Middle to Bottom
Moves the items so their centers align with the bottom edge of the reference item.
Middle to Top
Moves the items so their centers align with the top edge of the reference item.
Bottom to Middle
Moves the items so their edges align with the center of the reference item.
Bottom to Top
Moves the items so their edges align with the top edge of the reference item.
Vertically Between
Moves the reference item vertically so it is spaced equally between two other items on the form.
Below Previous Item With Compute
Moves the selected item after the previous item in the build order. A compute dynamically determines which item is the previous item at runtime. Use this option only if you need the alignment to dynamically determine the previous item in the build order at runtime. Otherwise, you may add many unnecessary computes to your form, which will decrease performance.
After Previous Item With Compute
Moves the selected item after the previous item in the build order. A compute dynamically determines which item is the previous item at runtime. Use this option only if you need the alignment to dynamically determine the previous item in the build order at runtime. Otherwise, you may add many unnecessary computes to your form, which will decrease performance.