Aligning items absolutely

Absolute positioning allows you to precisely place items by setting their x and y coordinates in pixels. Each absolutely positioned item contains its own location and extent information and is therefore independent of other items on the form.

Use absolute positioning if you always want the form to look exactly the same, no matter what browser or operating system is employed by your users.
Note: The Designer uses absolute positioning by default.

When you add an item to the form, it is automatically given the correct x and y coordinates for the location you choose based on the upper-left corner of the form.

For example, you might place a field at an x, y position of 10, 12. This means that the field will always be placed 10 pixels from the left of the form, and 12 pixels from the top. However, to allow precision positioning, you may want an item's absolute coordinates to be based on where another item is in the form. For example, you may want a field to align its left edge evenly with the left edge of a border while continuing to maintain absolute positioning. In other words, if the label's left border is at 10 pixels, aligning the two items left to left ensures that the field's left border is also 10 pixels.

To align an item using absolute positioning:

  1. Select an item you want to move into alignment.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the item on the form you want to use as a reference point.
  3. Right-click and click Absolute Align.
  4. Choose the modifier that describes the way you want to align the items.
The fields will change position on the form as the alignment is completed.
If you wanted the edge of a Phone Number field to line up with the edge of a First Name field, you would:
  1. Click the Phone Number field.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl key and click the First Name field. Both items are selected
  3. Right-click and click Absolute Align.
  4. Click Absolute Align Right to Right.
The Designer then moves the Phone Number field so that its edge lined up with the edge of the First Name field.