Aligning items

You can align items so their edges or centers are lined up, using either relative or absolute alignment.

There are two types of alignments:
  • relative align — Changes the position of items so they align with a reference item and anchor the items to the reference item. If you later move or resize the reference item, any items anchored to it will automatically move in order to maintain alignment with the reference item.
  • absolute align — Changes the position of items so they align with a reference item. The items will not automatically move if you later move or resize the reference item.

Use relative align when the size or position of items on your form may vary. For example, when your form is receiving data from a database or when sections of your form are created dynamically.

Note: Alignment options are available by either right-clicking after items are selected, or in the toolbar.
The alignment toolbar contains the Left, Center, Right, Bottom, Middle, Top, Absolute Alignment and Relative Alignment buttons.