Troubleshooting database errors

When using DB2® for the Webform Server Database and the following message appears in the SystemOut.log for the Translator Server:

Connection not available while invoking method createOrWaitForConnection 
   for resource jdbc/WebformAccessControl.

It could indicate that the Connection Pool for the Data Source (JDBC) is too small for the number of concurrent requests (load). In most cases, this can be resolved by increasing the number of maximum connections. This setting can be changed in the WebSphere® Application ServerAdmin console.

To change the number of maximum connections:
  1. Click Resources > JDBC Providers
  2. Select the driver used by Webform Server. The default driver used is WebformServer_AccessControlServer_JDBCDriver.
  3. Select Data Sources.
  4. Select Connection pool properties.
  5. Set the maximum connections.
  6. Click Apply.